// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © LonesomeTheBlue
study("Cup Finder", "CF", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500)
loopback = input(defval = 150, title = "Number of Bars to search", minval = 30, maxval = 250)
widthr = input(defval = 5., title = "Channel Width of the Cup", minval = 1)
check_hc = input(defval = "Close", title = "Source for Breakout", options = ["Close", "High/Low"])
include_rate = input(75., title = "Contained Bar Rate %", minval = 10, maxval = 100) / 100
show_channel = input(false, title = "Show Channels of Cups")
no_label = input(false, title = "Don't Show Labels")
remove_old_lines = input(false, title = "Remove Old Lines")
remove_old_labels = input(false, title = "Remove Old Labels")
bullcolor = input(defval = color.lime, title = "Colors", inline = "colors")
bearcolor = input(defval = color.red, title = "", inline = "colors")
width = (highest(292) - lowest(292)) / 100
uwidth = width * widthr
highestbar = highestbars(30) == 0
lowestbar = lowestbars(30) == 0
bullsrc = check_hc == "Close" ? close : high
bearsrc = check_hc == "Close" ? close : low
hh = 0.
lasthh = 0.
ind = 0
bull = false
for x = 1 to loopback
lasthh := max(lasthh, high[x])
if bullsrc <= lasthh
if x >= 20 and bullsrc > high[x] and close[1] < high[x] and high[x] >= lasthh and highestbar[x]
hh := high[x]
ind := x
bull := true
ll = 0.
lastll = highest(292)
if ind == 0
for x = 1 to loopback
lastll := min(lastll, low[x])
if bearsrc >= lastll
if x >= 20 and bearsrc < low[x] and close[1] > low[x] and low[x] <= lastll and lowestbar[x]
ll := low[x]
ind := x
Round(val)=> round(val / syminfo.mintick) * syminfo.mintick
var cup_lines = array.new_line(0)
var label cup_label = na
levs = array.new_float(0)
bullish_cup = false
bearish_cup = false
int included = na
if ind != 0
float pow_radius = pow(ind / 2, 2)
end = round((ind - (ind % 2)) / 2)
if ind % 2 == 0
array.push(levs, bull ? hh - sqrt(pow_radius) * width : ll + sqrt(pow_radius) * width)
for x = 1 to end
ycoord = sqrt(pow_radius - pow(x, 2)) * width
array.push(levs, bull ? hh - ycoord : ll + ycoord)
array.unshift(levs, bull ? hh - ycoord : ll + ycoord)
if ind % 2 == 1
array.push(levs, bull ? hh : ll)
array.unshift(levs, bull ? hh : ll)
in_cnt = 0
for x = 0 to array.size(levs) - 1
if (min(array.get(levs, x) + uwidth, high[x]) - max(array.get(levs, x) - uwidth, low[x]) > 0)
in_cnt := in_cnt + 1
if in_cnt / (ind + 1) >= include_rate
if not no_label
if remove_old_labels
cup_label := label.new(bar_index, array.get(levs, 0),
text = "Cup\nRadius = " + tostring(Round(width * ind / 2)) + "\nIncluded = " + tostring(100 * in_cnt / (ind + 1), '#.#') +"%",
color = bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor,
textcolor = bull ? color.black : color.white,
textalign = text.align_left,
style = bull ? label.style_label_lower_right : label.style_label_upper_right)
if remove_old_lines and array.size(cup_lines) > 0
for x = 0 to array.size(cup_lines) - 1
line.delete(array.get(cup_lines, x))
array.push(cup_lines, line.new(x1 = bar_index, y1 = array.get(levs, 0), x2 = bar_index - ind + 1, y2 = array.get(levs, 0), color = bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor, style = line.style_dashed))
xloc = ind
for x = 0 to array.size(levs) - 2
array.push(cup_lines, line.new(x1 = bar_index - xloc, y1 = array.get(levs, x), x2 = bar_index - xloc + 1, y2 = array.get(levs, x + 1), color = bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor, width = 3))
if show_channel and x % 2 == 0 and x > 0 and x < array.size(levs) - 2
array.push(cup_lines, line.new(x1 = bar_index - xloc, y1 = array.get(levs, x) + uwidth, x2 = bar_index - xloc + 1, y2 = array.get(levs, x + 1) + uwidth, color = bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor))
array.push(cup_lines, line.new(x1 = bar_index - xloc, y1 = array.get(levs, x) - uwidth, x2 = bar_index - xloc + 1, y2 = array.get(levs, x + 1) - uwidth, color = bull ? bullcolor : bearcolor))
xloc := xloc - 1
included := round(100 * in_cnt / (ind + 1))
if bull
bullish_cup := true
bearish_cup := true
plot(included, title = "included", display = display.none)
alertcondition(bullish_cup, title = "Bullish Cup Found", message = 'Bullish Cup Found, Included:{{plot("included")}}')
alertcondition(bearish_cup, title = "Bearish Cup Found", message = 'Bearish Cup Found, Included:{{plot("included")}}')
alertcondition(bullish_cup or bearish_cup, title = "Cup Found", message = 'Cup Found, Included:{{plot("included")}}')
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